How to Play Golf Betting Games with Chips

How to Play Golf Betting Games with Chips

Golf and Gambling: A Winning Combo - Exploring Golf Poker Chip Betting Games

golf betting game

There's something inherently rewarding about a game of golf, but wouldn't it be more fun to add a little competition to the mix? Enter the world of golf poker chip betting games. These games played within the context of a regular round of golf, not only fuel your competitive spirit but also add an element of surprise to the game. So, let's walk you through how to play these exciting golf-betting games.

Fun Golf Chip Betting Game

golf betting game

The Golf Poker Chip Game is a well-loved betting game among golfers. It adds a playful dimension to your golf round with its unique combination of good and bad chips - 6 of each. The objective? Keep the good chips and steer clear of the bad ones.

How to Play Golf Poker Chip Game

In this game, green chips represent 'good' and are worth $1, meaning if you hold a green chip, each player pays you $1. Conversely, black chips symbolize 'bad' - if you hold a black chip, you owe each player $1.

Good Chip

  • The 'good' chips have the following labels:
  • Par: Given when a golfer makes a par that is the furthest ball out from the hole.
  • Putt: Awarded when a golfer one-putts from the furthest distance from the hole.
  • Birdie: Earned when a golfer shoots a birdie that is the furthest from the hole.
  • Chip In: This chip can be given for any good shot, longest drive, or a mulligan with each birdie, overall score etc. It's your call.
  • Sandy Par: Given when a golfer makes a sandy par that is furthest from the hole.
  • Closest to the Pin: Awarded on a par three when a golfer makes a shot closest to the pin.

Bad Chip

Bad' chips are labelled as follows:

  • 8: Given to a golfer who shoots eight strokes on one hole.
  • OB (Out of Bounds): Given when a golfer shoots out of bounds on a hole.
  • Sand: Awarded when a golfer hits the sand at a hole.
  • Trees: Given when a golfer hits a tree.
  • Water: Awarded when a golfer hits the water.
  • 3 Putt: Given when a golfer makes a three-putt on the green.

In each case, if another golfer repeats the same mistake, the chip is passed on to that golfer.

Vegas Golf Poker Chip Betting Game

golf betting game

If you're after a more exhilarating game, the Vegas Golf Poker Chip Game is for you. It's all about evening out the odds and can be played with a foursome. Before teeing off, agree on the value of the poker chips. The objective is to accumulate positive (red) chips while avoiding negative ones. The last golfer holding the chip at the end of 9 or 18 holes wins the payoff.

How to Play Vegas Golf Poker Betting Game

Positive and negative designations include:


  • 1 Putt Birdie
  • Chip in (chip in from off green)
  • Sandy (up and down from sand trap in 2)
  • Closest to the pin (closest to pin on par 3s)


  • Water (ball goes into water)
  • 8 Ball (8 or more strokes on a hole)
  • 3 Putt Sand (ball goes into a sand trap)
  • Trees (ball hits a tree)
  • Out of bounds (can include talking on cell phone)
  • Lost Ball (5-minute limit)
  • Unlucky Seven (exactly seven strokes)

The first player to hit a shot that corresponds to the designation on the chip is given that chip. They hold onto that chip until someone else hits the same shot, at which point, the chip is given to that player. The same holds for positive chips. At the end of the round, players holding negative chips pay each player the designated amount for each chip they hold, while those holding positive chips receive the same amount from each player.

For added excitement, some groups pull from the bag blind before teeing off. This means each player will have 3-4 chips before even teeing off on the first!

For example: if a player hits their ball into the water, they receive the Water Chip, which they can pass when they see another player go into the water. The same rule applies to positive chips.

Read more about the rules of the Vegas golf poker chip game.

The Conclusion

In the end, it all comes down to the 18th hole. These betting games make each round of golf a roller coaster of highs and lows, of victories and defeats. And that's precisely why golfers love them.

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