5 Best Golf Betting Games For 4 Players

5 Best Golf Betting Games For 4 Players

Golfers really enjoy two things: discussing their game and placing bets on the results. Winning feels even sweeter when your friend pays up. Ever wondered if you could make that crucial shot on the last hole, especially with some cash at stake?

You don't need to bet big. A small friendly wager can add an exciting twist to your game. Golfers have come up with many fun ways to bet during their games, and we have to appreciate their creativity.

Don't worry, we've got your back! We'll guide you through the best 5 golf betting games. By understanding these games, not only will you play smarter, but you'll also be ready with a suggestion the next time someone asks, "What should we bet on today?".

Vegas Golf Game:

golf betting games

Vegas Golf is a poker chip game for 2v2 for 4 players that is played on the golf course. However, you can also play the Vegas Golf Game with just 3 players. The goal of the game is to collect the positive chips and avoid the negative ones.

Rules of Vegas Golf Poker Games

  • Chips: There are 10 different chips in the Vegas Golf set:
  • Birdie (red)
  • Eagle (yellow)
  • Albatross (green)
  • Hole-in-one (blue)
  • Water hazard (black)
  • Sand trap (white)
  • Out of bounds (gray)
  • Three-putt (brown)
  • Longest drive (pink)
  • Closest to the pin (purple)

Starting: Each player begins the round with no chips.

Earning chips: Players earn chips for making certain shots or completing certain challenges. For example, a player earns a birdie chip for making a birdie on a hole.

Passing chips: When a player earns a chip that is already held by another player, the chips are passed to the next player in the rotation. For example, if a player earns a birdie chip and the player to their left already has a birdie chip, the birdie chip is passed to the player to the right of the player who earned the chip.

Winning: The player who holds the most chips at the end of the round wins the game.

Let us take an example to understand the rules better.

Four players, Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D are playing a round of golf using Vegas Golf.

  • Player A makes a birdie on the first hole, so she earns a birdie chip.
  • Player B makes an eagle on the second hole, so he earns an eagle chip.
  • Player C hits his ball into the water hazard on the third hole, so he earns a water hazard chip.
  • Player D makes a three-putt on the fourth hole, so he earns a three-putt chip.

At the end of the fourth hole, the chips are distributed as follows:

  • Player A has a birdie chip.
  • Player B has an eagle chip.
  • Player C has a water hazard chip.
  • Player D has a three-putt chip.

The chips are then passed to the next player in the rotation.

On the Fifth Hole:

  • Player A makes a bogey, so she passes her birdie chip to Player B.
  • Player B makes a par, so he keeps his eagle chip.
  • Player C makes a birdie, so he earns a birdie chip.
  • Player D makes a double bogey, so he passes his three-putt chip to Player A.

At the end of the fifth hole, the chips are distributed as follows:

  • Player A has a birdie chip and a three-putt chip.
  • Player B has an eagle chip.
  • Player C has a birdie chip.
  • Player D has no chips.

The game continues in this way until all 18 holes have been played. The player who holds the most chips at the end of the round wins the game.

Vegas Golf Game is a fun and exciting way to add some competition to your next round of golf. It is a great way to test your skills against your friends and family, and it is sure to add some excitement to your round.


betting golf game for 4 players

Nassau is a golf betting game that is played between four players. The game consists of three competitions: the front nine holes, the back nine holes, and the entire round.

Rules for Nassau

Here are the basic rules of Nassau for four players:

Players: Four players agree to play a Nassau match.

Betting unit: The players agree on a betting unit, such as $1 or $5.

Scoring: The players score their own rounds of golf, using their own handicaps if desired.

Winning: The player with the lowest score on the front nine wins the front nine bet.

The player with the lowest score on the back nine wins the back nine bet. The player with the lowest score for the entire round wins the overall round bet.

If there is a tie for any of the competitions, the players can either push the bet or agree to a playoff.

Here is an example of how Nassau would work for four players:

  • Four players, Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D, agree to play a Nassau match with a betting unit of $1.
  • Player A shoots a 36 on the front nine, Player B shoots a 38, Player C shoots a 40, and Player D shoots a 42. Player A wins the front nine bet.
  • Player A shoots a 39 on the back nine, Player B shoots a 40, Player C shoots a 41, and Player D shoots a 44. Player B wins the back nine bet.
  • Player A shoots a 75 for the round, Player B shoots a 78, Player C shoots an 81, and Player D shoots an 86. Player A wins the overall round bet.

In this example, Player A would win $3 from the match. She would win $1 for winning the front nine bet, $1 for winning the back nine bet, and $1 for winning the overall round bet.

Nassau is a great way to add some excitement to your next round of golf. It is a simple game to learn, but it can be very competitive. With a little planning, you can create a Nassau match that is fair and fun for everyone involved.

 Additional Tips for Playing Nassau:

Set a betting unit that everyone is comfortable with. You don't want to make the stakes too high, or people will be afraid to make a bad shot. But you also don't want to make the stakes too low, or it won't be as exciting.

Use handicaps if necessary. This will help to level the playing field between players of different skill levels.

Be competitive but have fun! Nassau is a game, so make sure you enjoy yourself. Don't get too stressed out if you make a bad shot. Just laugh it off and keep playing.


golf betting games for 4 players

Skin golf is a golf betting game that is played between four players. Each hole is worth one "skin", and the player with the lowest score on each hole wins the skin for that hole. If there is a tie for the lowest score, the skin carries over to the next hole.

Rules for Skin:

Skin golf: A skins game is a golf betting game in which players compete for a prize usually money on every hole. The prize at stake is called the 'skin'.

Number of players: Skins are typically played between 2 and 4 players.

Scoring: Each hole is worth one skin. If a player has the lowest score on a hole, they win the skin for that hole. If there is a tie for the lowest score, the skin carries over to the next hole.

Payouts: The value of each skin is typically agreed upon before the start of the game. The player who wins the most skins at the end of the round wins the pot.


Let's say there are 4 players in a skins game, named Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D. They are playing a par 4 hole.

  • Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D all tee off.
  • Player A has the lowest score with a 4.
  • Player A wins the skin for the hole.
  • The next hole is played, and Player B has the lowest score with a 3.
  • Player B wins the skin for the hole.
  • The skins carry over to the next hole.

The skins game continues until all 18 holes have been played. The player who wins the most skins at the end of the round wins the pot.

In this example, Player A would win $7 from the match. She would win $1 for winning the skin on hole 1, $1 for winning the skin on hole 6, and $5 for winning the most skins overall.

Skin golf is a fun and exciting way to add some competition to your next round of golf. It is a great way to test your skills against your friends and family, and it is sure to add some excitement to your round.

Additional Tips for Playing Skins Golf:

Set a betting unit that everyone is comfortable with. You don't want to make the stakes too high, or people will be afraid to make a bad shot. But you also don't want to make the stakes too low, or it won't be as exciting.

Use handicaps if necessary. This will help to level the playing field between players of different skill levels.


golf betting games for 4 players

Dots golf is a golf betting game that is played between four players. It is a variation of the popular game of skins golf. In Dots golf, each hole is worth one "dot", and the player with the lowest score on each hole wins the dot for that hole. If there is a tie for the lowest score, the dot carries over to the next hole.

Rules for Dots

Here are the basic rules of Dots golf for four players:

Players: Four players agree to play a Dots game.

Scoring: Each hole is worth one dot. If a player has the lowest score on a hole, they win the dot for that hole. If there is a tie for the lowest score, the dot carries over to the next hole.

Payouts: The value of each dot is typically agreed upon before the start of the game. The player who wins the most dots at the end of the round wins the pot.

Additional Rules:

In addition to the basic rules of Dots golf, there are a few additional rules that can be used to make the game more challenging and exciting.

Birdies: A birdie is worth two dots.

Eagles: An eagle is worth three dots.

Albatrosses: An albatross is worth four dots.

Hole-in-ones: A hole-in-one is worth five dots.

Ties: If there is a tie for the lowest score on a hole, the dots are split between the tied players.

Here is an example of how Dots golf would work for four players:

Four players, Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D, agree to play a Dots game with a betting unit of $1.

  • Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D all tee off on hole 1.
  • Player A has the lowest score with a 4.
  • Player A wins the dot for hole 1.
  • The next hole is played, and Player B has the lowest score with a 3.
  • Player B wins the dot for hole 2.
  • The dots carry over to hole 3.

The Dots game continues until all 18 holes have been played. The player who wins the most dots at the end of the round wins the pot.

In this example, Player A would win $7 from the match. She would win $1 for winning the dot on hole 1, $1 for winning the dot on hole 6, and $5 for winning the most dots overall.

Dots golf is a fun and exciting way to add some competition to your next round of golf. It is a great way to test your skills against your friends and family, and it is sure to add some excitement to your round.


golf betting games for foursome

Six-six-six golf betting game is a variation of the popular game of Nassau. Like Nassau, 6-6-6 is played between three or four players. However, instead of betting on the front nine, back nine, and overall round, 6-6-6 bets on the first six holes, the next six holes, and the last six holes.

Rules for 6-6-6

Players: Three or four players agree to play a 6-6-6 game.

Scoring: Each set of six holes is worth one bet. The player with the lowest score on each set of six holes wins the bet for that set. If there is a tie for the lowest score, the bet carries over to the next set of six holes.

Payouts: The value of each bet is typically agreed upon before the start of the game. The player who wins the most bets at the end of the round wins the pot.

Here is an example of how a 6-6-6 golf betting game would work for three players:

Three players, Player A, Player B, and Player C, agree to play a 6-6-6 game with a betting unit of $1.

  • Player A, Player B, and Player C all tee off on hole 1.
  • Player A has the lowest score with a 4.
  • Player A wins the bet for hole 1.
  • The next hole is played, and Player B has the lowest score with a 3.
  • Player B wins the bet for hole 2.
  • The bets carry over to hole 3.

The 6-6-6 game continues until all 18 holes have been played. The player who wins the most bets at the end of the round wins the pot.

In this example, Player A would win $7 from the match. She would win $1 for winning the bet on holes 1, 7, and 13, and $5 for winning the most bets overall.
6-6-6 golf betting game is a fun and exciting way to add some competition to your next round of golf. It is a great way to test your skills against your friends and family, and it is sure to add some excitement to your round.

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